
PEŁNE stypendium na Kongres chirurgii piersi w Chicago dla lekarza z Warszawy - PILNE

Za zgodą nadawcy zamieszczam niezwykle ciekawą ofertę dla lekarza z Warszawy:


Do Warszawiakow:

Chicago - Warsaw Sister City Committee sfinansuje przyjazd jednej osoby do Chicago na Lynn Sage Breast Sympozjum w Pazdzierniku. Pokrywaja prawie wszystkie koszty ( rejestracja, przelot, hotel na 3 dni). Jesli znaczie Panstwo odpowiednie osoby (mlodzi lekarze, specjalizujacy sie w onkologii lub chirurgii piersi, lub tez lekarze po specjalizacji w poczatkach kariery maja najwieksze szanse na otrzymanie tego stypendium). Dodam, ze w tydzien po Lynn Symposjum bedzie w Chicago doroczny Kongres Am. Coll. of Surgeons.

Jesli jest ktos zainteresowany, lub znacie Panstwo takie osoby, niech szybko do mnie napisza. Deadline jest 20 lipca (dowiedzialem sie wczoraj wieczor). Aplikacja na stronie internetowej, potrzebny jeden list rekomendacyjny. 

Ponizej jest wiecej szczegolow jak i link do aplikacji. 

Prosze pisac na moj adres mailowy: rudnicki@gmail.com

Pozdrawiam, Marek Rudnicki

Dear Dr. Rudnicki, 

It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday evening at Michael's house. I was so pleased that Agnes could make this connection for us as I would really love to have Warsaw represented in this wonderful opportunity. Please see the following information that you can pass on to your colleagues as well as the attached document for further details. I would however just let you know that applicants need to directly apply to this symposium online and will hear shortly if they have been accepted. 

Thank you kindly for our efforts and appreciate your support in this endeavor. I hope that we may keep in touch with you as we are hoping to expand the medical initiatives within Chicago Sister Cities International (CSCIP). 

Please let me know if you have any questions or ideas.

Best regards,
Danya Chazan
Senior Manager of International Programs
Chicago Sister Cities International 

Call for International Oncologists: 11th Annual Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposium in Chicago 

October 1-4, 2009

The Fairmont Hotel

Chicago, IL USA. 

This unique collaboration among Chicago Sister Cities International, the Belgrade Committee of CSCIP and the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University presents an exceptional opportunity for qualified candidates residing in Chicago's 28 Sister Cities to attend the 11th Annual Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposium. This symposium brings approximately 800 clinicians together in Chicago to learn about recent clinical and scientific advances in breast cancer research from international experts.

Awarded applicant will have the majority of costs covered by a grant from the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University; see cost below.


· To develop health care initiatives to benefit Chicago and ties with all 28 of our international sister cities. 
· To provide physicians residing in our sister cities abroad the opportunity to attend one of the most respected 
· To provide an intimate forum of learning and networking amongst peers in the field of breast cancer. 
· To offer a unique perspective to physicians on how breast cancer treatment options are developed and implemented in Chicago and throughout the United States.

· Any physicians (preferably residents, fellows or recent graduates) in the field of oncology residing in Chicago's sister cities. Applicant must demonstrate a special interest in the field of breast cancer and should have a good command of the English language.


· One physician from each of Chicago's 28 sister cities will be given the opportunity to participate in this symposium. The Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University will directly cover symposium registration fees and the majority of travel expenses, including air and hotel accommodations, for the 3 ½ day event.

· Now extended through July 20, 2009

Interested physicians from Chicago's sister cities must submit an online application at:
In addition, a recommendation letter from a professional colleague is required by the July 20 application deadline. Visit the application page for details on how to submit your recommendation letter.

Note: Interested physicians should not "register" for the main symposium at this time. Registration and travel details will be sent with the program notification email on July 26. Applicants are encouraged to avoid making travel arrangements until they receive the notification e-mail. Your credit card is not required to apply for the Sister Cities' program application.

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