
podejrzenie hepatoma( hepatocellulare carcinoma

Podejrzenie o hepatoma

Pacjent .lat 32 poderzany o niego hepatoma (hepatocellulare  carcinoma) HCV  : immunology examination  shows non-reactiveLaboratory results: Alk phos.  333 U/L (norm 38-126)AST  : 122 UL( norm 0-5  in adults) GGT : 216 (norm 15-73 )male Histology report 20th January 2009: Liver mass( biopsy) ,liver carcinoma cannot be ruled out.  suggest a repeat biopsy

28 May 2009 Repeated biopsy: Features consistent with hepatocellulare carcinoma, Grade II ( Edmondson and Steiner)

CT-SCAN  - Abdomen Serial Aial CT scan of the abdomen showing an enlarged liver with partly circumscribed and parlty irregular outline mixed density mass lesion with serpenginous foci of calicifications and areas of necrosis.Mass barely enhances after contrast administration and measures 11.0 x 10.0 cm in right lobe.The biliary system, spleen, both kidneys and pancreas are all normal.No  ascites or lymphadenopathy seenNormal bowel outline.Impression : Cavitating priary liver neoplasm likely hepatoma.     Dodatkowe informacje: Jest w dokumentacji brak komórki "ascites"
Poziomconjugated bilirubin zero mmol/L(norma 0-5)
Total bil 0.4mg/DL( onrma 0.2 -1.3)
Total bilirubin (SI) 7.2 mmol / L(norma 3-22)
GGT : 216 (norm 15-73 )male  .Poziom albumin 4.5g/dL (norma 3.5 -5.0) .  Co byś doradził? Gdyby to Ty ,jak podjąśby lecezenie.Proszę o rady.

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